Thin places

“There is in Celtic mythology the notion of 'thin places' in the universe where the visible and the invisible world come into their closest proximity. To seek such places is the vocation of the wise and the good — and for those that find them, the clearest communication between the temporal and eternal."

My husband and I went to the beach this past weekend.  It was a long-overdue, much-needed time away from work and worry.  He's been without a job for about two years.    A degree in history and a Master's degree in computer programming did nothing to overcome the age barrier.  It's hard to find a job when there is a five at the beginning of your age.  He's 57.   We think he has found a job but are hesitant to put too much trust in that place until the day comes when he actually starts working. 

We went to St. Simon's Island, Georgia - what I like to consider "our place".  We've been going to St. Simon's for about 25 years.  It almost feels like going to a second home when we drive across the causeway and see the water and the boats for the first time.

I miss that water when I'm across the state at home.  Some times the longing to stand at the edge of the ocean is almost palpable.    The edge of the ocean is my "thin place".  I have spent many hours standing by the shore, watching the horizon for whatever might be there.  Sometimes it's a ship making its way through the channel to the port.  Sometimes it's the mist.  Shapes are barely discernible when the mist is heavy.  Sometimes the mist creates shapes.  Sometimes my mind wanders and creates images out of that mist.

I feel closest to God at the edge of the ocean.  A small creature standing at the edge of such a huge, beautiful, powerful creation.  It puts into perspective my little worries.  Perspective is often lost in the hustle and bustle of the week when I'm juggling work, a second part-time job, studying for my Education for Ministry class, keeping the clothes washed and the house at least sanitary,  and spending time with my husband.

But standing next to that large body of water, I am reminded that God is in control.  He controls the moon which controls the tide that can, for hours, leave me in a trance to think of everything and nothing at all.   "The invisible and the visible" do come into close proximity at that place.  I feel my Father's presence when I'm by the water.  Daddy and I spent much time at the water's edge.  He loved the water, fishing, feeding the seagulls.  I have many fond memories of those days.  I feel my grandfather's presence there, as well.  He, too, had a huge influence on my young life.  I miss those people in my life.  Standing there looking out into the distance I can imagine them standing on the "other shore" looking back at me.   What a reassuring feeling it is to feel that those loved ones are waiting on me just as I feel my Creator is waiting and watching over me. 

Several years ago I participated in a class on Centering Prayer.  The ocean is a wonderful place to practice centering prayer.  The sounds of the ocean quiet the mind.  My breath sometimes seems to match the timing of the crashing waves.  That "thin place" opens up to a world of mystery where I feel safe in the unknowing.  I am not afraid of what is to come before.  I am assured that whatever it is, God, the Creator of the vast oceans, is in control.  


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